Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WIP Wednesday

I was looking for some sort of ornament to decorate my little flower bed.  I wanted something that showcased my love for quilting and crafting and I came up with the idea to build a miniature clothes line and hang a quilt from it.  I also plan to knit miniature socks and maybe even sew some mini boxer briefs to hang from the line.  It also seems like there should be some birds on the lines, so I will probably do some amigurumi to gild the lily a bit further!

I have started with the quilt, and here's where it is so far!  Given the debate over gay marriage, I decided that a contemporary spin on the double wedding ring quilt was appropriate.  The quilt measures about 24" by 30".  I just need to finish the binding and add a label.  I think I will probably do some more mini-quilts so I can change them up with the seasons... Maybe bargello next?

So far, the only stumbling block I can foresee is where the heck do I get miniature clothes pins?
-- Dale--

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